Friday, March 31, 2017

Dutchland Game

So, first game captaining.  First game in a while playing blocker-only. At this time, I made a choice to travel a fair bit in the off-season for work, my dad was getting worse, and I also had booked a vacation two years ago, before I had any idea what SCAR's schedule was. So collectively I was at close to minimum hours, and therefore did the honorable thing and set myself up not to play full strength in terms of assignments/minutes.  I was designated as an alt. Jammer, but not actually used despite playing fairly well in that role in the practices leading up to the game.

In general, looking back at the game and seeing photos and video, I did better than I thought at the time.  I still have lots to work on.

We lost in the last jam by a small margin, but overall I'm pleased with how we did things.

As a captain:

I wish I had been more deliberate and specific in talking out the logistics of the game, such that we collectively were more equipped to act on changing conditions.
I think I did a good job of talking with my teammates about their specific concerns and challenges, and being receptive to their feelings.  Also, choosing rosters and alts was challenging, and I think I did a reasonably good job of it.

As a blocker:
Meh. Not bad.
TOO MANY PENALTIES!  I was second among the team in penalties per jam.
AWESOME VTAR!  I led the team in VTAR, meaning that despite my penalties we scored more points with me playing than we scored while anyone else was playing.
So much touching!  We truck & trailers, bulldozed, whipped and cannon balled really well.
We didn't do such a great job kaleidcoping, either holding onto each other or rotating.
We didn't do all the things.  We did do many of them.   For myself, I really want to improve how I approach power jams as a blocker.  Less talk, more rock.

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