Friday, July 11, 2014

Looking Back, Looking Forward

Thi post is about my goals for the year.  I know, it's July.  But it always takes me some time to really think about what I want.  And I also have some challenges, this year and every year, that I take a whole to grapple with.  So, here are some goals, big and small, that I want to share with you all.

1.have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Due August 24th, and no we don't know the gender. 

2. Destroy our debts and manage our taxes better.  A small goal, this one.  But summer of 2015 is when I think we can make it all happen.  

3. Get back to derby by the end of 2014. Grrrrl, I need an outlet. more efficiently.  Cut costs and use up my CSA.  Really.