Wednesday, December 22, 2010

2010: A Bacon Odyssey

So, you might ask, what's this I hear about homemade bacon?

Well, it's almost the holidays. And as a university employee I get a little more time off than the average bear -- in fact, I get about a week off, which gives me time I don't usually have to tackle projects that require more time or diligence.

And we're into local and slow food to the extent that we can work it into our lifestyles. We bought a 1/4th cow from a local farmer this year, and our grass-fed buddy has been nutritious, inexpensive, and delicious. We made beer and it was thirst-quenching and tasty. But we haven't made anything like bacon since...well, we did make gravlax once, but it didn't involve smoking. Now that we have a nice grill and someone who likes to use it, I thought we might try something related.

So...bacon. This afternoon, I'll stop in at a place called Nittany Meats and pick up a 7ish-pound slab of pork belly. And I'll blog it from there -- come back for more info on what happens next.

FTR, there are quite a few fairly good pictorials online detailing the attempts of others to do the same. Here's one.

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