Monday, June 26, 2017

No, Really, Don't Wanna Captain No More.

ECDX was this weekend, and officially my final game as captain, though I was not the game captain because we have a rotation and my co-captain did the game captaining.

I was elected out a week or so ago, which I am upset about in some ways and grateful for in others. Grateful in that I am pleased to have more time to work on my own game, and to continue to get stronger. I'm still on the coaching committee, still the WFTDA rep, and still heading the venue committee. So I have plenty to do. I will not lack for ways to contribute or service hours.

I am upset that my co-captain is a sneaky mofo who lied about my actions and misconstrued her own.  I'm not sure what to do about that, but I am irritated at it, and really don't want to engage in a constructive way with her at the moment. I'm going to be civil and put my feelings aside because it's the right thing for the organization, but I'm not a fan, and I am not pleased with that aspect of the situation.  Additionally, there were a lot of idiotic, immature, petty, and generally shitty situations that are entirely preventable with people making decisions for the team and not for themselves. But I don't know how we as an organization can effectively deal with that without insulating to a degree the captains and coaches from popular opinion. Some things we have to do aren't popular.

What I'm also struggling to say to my coaches and captains, however, is that I don't think the existing coach/captain structure is conducive to good coaching or to achieving the goals we set as a league.  Electing captains and then expecting them to do a lot of coaching in their roles allows for some weird outcomes that aren't in line with the goals of coaching -- for example, captains that are inexperienced or not able to actually commit enough time to coaching. In this season, I myself was partially not reelected because of decisions that were not really my decisions -- they were unpopular aspects of policy.  Or they were effectively coaching discipline for players acting inappropriately.  *shrugs* You get who you elect, and that's not me at this point.  But it may also not be the best outcome, and it may not allow for coaches/captains to effectively execute the league/coaching strategy.

Anyway, I'm going to put that into a good email, and then never speak of it again. Because I have bigger fish to fry. At the moment, I don't feel very positively toward Plan B, though.

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