Saturday, April 17, 2010

The "Hell Strip" and the Daffodil Thing

The "Hell Strip"
Originally uploaded by Athens Nikita
Currently, what I have is this sad thing that you see to the right. What I want is something more like this. Oh, well. Maybe once I dig myself out from all the house projects and the temperature goes up by 10 or 15 degrees, I'll pry up those slate pieces and go to town.  

I just found out, though, about Bellefonte's daffodil thing.  I say "thing" because it's a fairly complicated happening.  Project Daffodil was originally done in 2004 as a community planting that would function as a sort of tourist driving tour in the Spring.  Roughly 100,000 daffodils were planted from State College to Bellefonte.  Since then, innumerable daffodils have been planted.  

Anyway, now there's a daffodil game and other tie-ins.  But I have no daffodils whatsoever.  So, as soon as is practical, I'll be fixing that.

1 comment:

  1. You can have a sidewalk garden. Just takes lots of elbow grease, and maybe a little imagination.
