Sunday, December 11, 2016

Church today


Three good things from today:
1. Successful apex jump.
2. Successful butt punch.
3. Jumped out of a hit.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

How Not to be a Dick in Derby

A by no means inexhaustive list...

1. Pay for your shit.  And by that I mean bring gas money if you carpool.  Share your expertise and money when you can. Donate your old equipment.  Charity begins at home, so make sure your needs are covered.  But also, don't make people regret helping you.  And realize that this thing called derby is based on a lot of investment by the community, formal and otherwise.  Be that investment.

2. Don't shit on those who've come before you.  None of this is really happening in a vacuum, and chances are that whatever you're currently doing is based on some really great stuff that happened before and made your way easier.  Give credit where it's due, even if credit is due for, say, that rule set or team management system that you don't use any more, but which nonetheless kept your league alive and solvent long enough for you to come along.

3. Derby is full of rankings and tryouts and cuts and so on.  No need to be a dick about it, or lord it over those you outrank, or resent those who outrank you. Life's too short. Move the fuck on.

4. What's happening today is not necessarily what's happening in general, and don't be quick to assume it is. By that I mean that you'll be a lot happier, and your teammates will be better, if you don't assume that nefarious intent underlies penalties, or whatever. Generally speaking, most people aren't bad actors. But if you start bitching about bad actors when someone makes a mistake, you're fucking it up for everyone. Because now you're affecting their mindset and the practice environment.

5. Have a growth mindset, for yourself and others, and think about how people learn.  Generally speaking, people try new things.  They fail at them.  Until they don't. So, don't assume your teammate's a shitty jammer, or pivot, or carver, or whatever, because at the moment she's not successful.  Maybe she's trying things with low rewards to get to behaviors that pay off.  And that's what you want, so help make it happen by recognizing and encouraging it.

6. Don't be that team member.  You know, the one not paying attention.  The one talking when the coach is talking.  The one bitching about every new drill.  Just don't. Barring dangerous behavior or what have you, just fucking do what you're asked to do.  (See this film clip.  Help us get through this scene.  Really.  But feel free to draw the line at hiding bodies.)

7. Treat people like they want to be treated, and do not condescend.  Are you that person always barking at everyone else to get lower, go faster, whatever?  Don't be. People get the derby they work for and can attain, and they don't really need you overriding their internal voice.

8. Everybody doesn't need to be your BFF.  You don't have to like people to skate with them.  But you do need a healthy, respectful relationship that allows you all to excel. Keep that in mind the next time someone personally irritates you.

9. But also, keep in mind who you are and what power you have.  Is someone body shaming, bullying, acting like they have a fucking mandate to haze people, or otherwise making life difficult for your teammates?  Don't fucking tolerate it.  Be the force for good.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Back on the Attack

So, Thanksgiving was a freakin' mess.  Work has been crazy.  We just hit the "off-season."  All those things together mean that I took a brief break from Ye derbs. I've been off skates and absent from SCAR for about 2 weeks. Breaks are awesome, and I like to take them occasionally to refresh and prepare for the next attack.  But I like to keep them short.

I officially returned this weekend at Season's Beatings, graciously hosted by MDRV.  More on that elsewhere. I'm also about to ratchet up my off-season cross-training (I have a theory, which I'll obsess on in another post), and am committed to being back full-time as of this past Sunday.  So, more derbs forthcoming.

Monday, October 17, 2016

The derby week

This weekend I played in my second Dolls bout and participated in a hangover scrimmage.   It's been kind of a tough week,  physically and emotionally. I've been feeling very restrained.   So I played maybe five jams as a blocker on Saturday and mostly jammed Sunday. 

Good: jamming,  generally.

Bad: too many penalties!

Proudest moment: when I overheard one of my opponents telling her lineages "watch out.  She's a freight train. " 

Stuff to work on: faster warm-ups.  Awareness.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Game day

And so much is going through my brain.  Not so much the game, since I really have no idea what to expect.   More about training,  about warm ups,  about how I eat and drink beforehand. 

One nice thing I recently noticed: my body is changing,  for the better.   I broke the 170 pound threshold.   And am generally tighter and more ready to move.  I have greater endurance.   We'll see how all that translates to performance.  

Monday, September 19, 2016

Practice Tonight

In other words: I made it! Now what?

It was an interesting night of scrimmage.  I have some kind of a cold and was dripping snot. I also felt a little, generally, weak.  But I got through it, and I made some meaningful blocks, and I beat my way through the opposing line a few times.

Saturday, September 17, 2016


Here I am in my Dolls jersey.  I also got some stats from the KDC tourney, and they were pretty awesome.

I scored 79 points in the first game of the tournament (against WestCo) -- a Keystone Derby Conference (KDC) record.
I got lead 90% of the time -- also a KDC record.
I also made more call offs than anyone in the history of the KDC.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Thursday, September 15, 2016


I was invited, the day that I had to put down Edgar, to start practicing with the Dolls for consideration of being added to the charter.  Last night was my first night doing so, and I put in a solid night, though obviously I need to do better.

1. Basic technique.
2. Communication and learning.
3. Solid ploughs.
4. I am strong, and that strength carries me through a lot of challenging situations.

To work on:
1. Jamming was a tad uninspiring, and I took a lot of penalties.
2. I have a tendency to stand up in challenging situations, and that never ends well.
3. I have regressed a little in terms of using my agility.

We Lost Edgar.

It was sudden.  One day we went for a walk -- and the walk was good, but he was tired.  The next day he was more tired, and a few days after that he was struggling to breathe.  Cancer.  Nothing to be done.

It's hard coming home and not being greeted by him.  Not getting to enjoy his quiet confidence and aloof yet affectionate personality.  Now we only have one dog. It feels so odd.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Keystone Derby Championships

There are a lot of things I love about derby, and some things I don't.  Yesterday we traveled to the Keystone Derby Championships, in Mount Pleasant PA.

What I liked:
1. Derby community.
2. Fun.
3. The chance to play with a bunch of strong, growing women.
4. I had a great first game.  Took only one (stupid) penalty, but scored about half our overall points.

What I didn't like:
1. It's just frustrating feeling sort of in limbo, and there were decisions made all season not to play this team as a competitive team, or to communicate in ways that I would consider equitable and transparent.  I'd like to see all of that change, at least for me personally -- because my personal improvement is ultimately going to be tough if I can't play in an environment that observes best derby practices.
2. My second game wasn't as good.  More (stupid) penalties and fewer points, and I was tired.  Also, I ate too much acidic stuff, and my stomach was churning.
3. Injuries!  Not me, luckily, but one of the refs took a serious tumble.  Several skaters did, as well.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Practice tonight

Need more control!  Otherwise good.

Additionally,  I started a new version of Dietbet.   It's called Stepbet.  To win,  I have to get around 12000 steps four days per week, and 15200 on two "stretch" days.   With Chris and I carpooling,  I now cap 12000 on most work days,  but I rarely meet the stretch threshold.   So,  good reminder to me to stay active and not be lazy when not on a practice or gym day.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Under the Lights

This week has been interesting and frustrating.

Monday I had to skip practice because I had what I think must have had a migraine -- I had a huge aura around 3 or 4 p.m., and by 6 I was so sensitive to light and had an unbelievable headache and just could not do it.

Wednesday (last night) practice was at the YMCA in State College due to track resurfacing at Penn Skates.  I generally like being outside, though the Y is hell on skates. And also, it sometimes rains. Which it did last night about 1.5 hours into practice.

1. Jamming was solid, if uninspiring.
2. Blocking was also meh.
3. We did the Snot Rocket Science moving-people and collapsing-knees hits.  I enjoy those and have practiced them a lot, and though it's been a few months since I last recall doing them, they were still quite good and I was able to refine them further.

1. Could have been smarter about how I practiced, particularly when blocking.
2. I haven't used some of my newest tricks in the last few practices.  I want to be more mindful of working on additional strategies and such, so that I don't lose them.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

First Settlement Game

Not bad!

1. Won MVP Jammer.
2. Had a 21 point jam.
3. Did ok.

1. Could have done better.
2. Wanted a 30 pointer.
3. Pack was too fast.


I love kisses, but I'm also a huge fan of KISS (Keep It Simple,  Stupid) as a philosophy.  To that end,  there are things that are important and things that we can compromise on,  and with small people we compromise a lot.  

With our switch to the Y, we've eliminated both separate swimming lessons and making lunches.  It's introduced a lot of new time and minimized a lot of stress for us, and they see no difference. 

We recently added some structure,  as well,  which does not come naturally to Chris or I.  Little things like eating only at the table when the kids are present and working a star chart to recognize and incentivize great behavior have been helpful,  too. I know this comes easily to a lot of people,  but for us it really is a departure from how we operate.  

The changes have been good,  but incremental.   Monday we start carpooling and have a 7 am deadline for getting on the road,  so wish us luck!

Posted via Blogaway Pro


We're headed into a new school year,  but so many things are different. 

Chris has a new job in State College.   He resisted making a switch for several years,  but it has some huge advantages for us.   Including greater compensation and some limited childcare for in service days.   However,  now that we're both working in state College we can't accommodate Montessori school any more.

The kids are permanently at the YMCA, and  in adjacent classrooms.   Which should improve a lot of logistics.   Hal is adjusting reasonably well, but has some issues when he's tired with bickering with others.   However,  it's a good environment,  the kids enjoy being together,  and hal gets to take swimming lessons. 

Game day!

Today we're playing what should be a great game. 

My goals:
1. Be centered
2. Be present
3. Be awesome

Oh,  and I want to put up a 30 point jam.   My highest so far is 13, though,  so we'll see.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

I'm thankful today

1. We now have a daycare that's reliable and only rarely closed. 
2. We can walk there.
3. The daycares we left are still welcoming.
4. We have a new tenant and four years of our old tenant.
5. Our income is about to increase! Maybe we can fast track our car payments.
6. These kids.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Practice 8.19.2016

Meh. I do not feel good.   Had to sit out a portion of practice and played somewhat poorly.

1. Played anyway.  
2. Jammed pretty well.
3. Blocked like a bad ass, mostly.

1. Wasn't ideally mindful. 
2. Wasn't ideally vocal. 

Monday, August 15, 2016

Coaching feedback

8/10/16 - Stop turning when you're in the "wall" or two forward-facing person part of the kaleidoscope - The opposing jammer usually just bounces around you and you've broken apart the strong formation you and your teammates had set-up. Also - when backwards blocking work on being lower - you're standing up straight and it is leading to you getting hit backwards and hitting your head! Work on getting in front instead of going for a hit. You're doing really well at jamming - just remember pushing up the middle usually works better than taking the line! If you're going to take the line - be sure to be ready to get hit!

Practice 8/15/2026


1. Jumped people, used the margins
2. Did a lot without thought.


1. Back blocked too much.
2. Broke my team's walls a lot. Got to work on that.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Weight and Whatever

I'm still on that plateau,  though my weight has inched incrementally downward.  Still,  it's frustrating seeing my goals stubbornly refusing to materialize.  

That three day daycare schedule didn't work out either,  since Mr. X ended up working all summer at a biotechnology company.  

So,  slight course correction.  And also,  I don't care so much about the weight as I care about progress. 

I'm still getting in that Friday gym session.  Getting outside a lot and taking in tons of outdoor activities like hikes and carnivals.   Skating in parades and parks.  Going to derby practice consistently and far more than the average skater.   Seeing gains in subtle things, like stronger arms,  greater stability,  more endurance.   And that's good for now.  

Camping trip #3

Forgot to record some impressions regarding camping trip #3.

First,  Mr. X and I had a big fight over the trip. He basically came with a shitty attitude combined with very little input into the planning,  and that means that we started the trip somewhat poorly with him acting more or less like a third child.   But we talked it out.   So after that it got to be much more positive. 

For this trip we stayed in a private campground,  which was great for what it was.  Lots of activities and amenities,  but also not much privacy or darkness at night.  Overall I would do it again,  but not if there were good public options in the vicinity.

On the first day we went to Knoebels Grove,  which was really fun.  All you can ride passes are cheap during the week and the lights at the park were really fun.  We stayed till the place shut down.   Saturday we stuck around the campground for the most part,  but the kids got a new bike and had fun testing it out,  and we had dinner with Kelly and Jason.  Sunday we broke down camp,  had lunch at a place on the banks of the Susquehanna, and made our way back home.  Altogether not bad! 

Additional thoughts about thoughts

Actually,  there is one huge accomplishment from yesterday that I'm thrilled with.   Yesterday I was mostly not in my own head.  Not once did I choose not to go all out because I wasn't comfortable or was distracted by other thoughts.   I was totally present and totally positive.   Mental management is a big thing to me,  and probably my biggest ongoing challenge.  So,  good day.  Here's to more!

Posted via Blogaway Pro

York vs. Plan B

So, so many thoughts on this one.  For one thing, I played a bunch of roles -- I feel like I learned a lot in each of them.

As a captain -- it was frustrating, but also energizing.  Frustrating because the communication among the coach, alternate and myself was not as good as it could have been.  Frustrating because there were some issues where we didn't agree on the resolution, and so they continued to be unresolved.  I think that situation will be readily evident in the stats, whenever they appear, but afterwards I'm thinking about a ways I can more proactively handle these issues if they come up again. Or if I get to captain again.

As a jammer -- I was probably our 3rd or 4th most effective jammer, and there was definitely room to improve.  However, I did improve, even in the game -- I think the stats will bear that out as they materialize -- and there are some moments I'm definitely proud of.  In general, I didn't go much to the negative or positive, which obviously kept us in the game but didn't help us turn it around and gain a win. to work on it.  But generally, I didn't die, and I did make a positive difference.  My proudest moment was once when I was being blocked by one of the opposing players on the apex, and I did the world's tiniest apex jump (like 4" off the ground as I was already striding) and went right past her.  Of course, then I got a delayed penalty from shortly beforehand, so WOMP WOMP.  But the apex jump kept me smiling in the penalty box. And I made some smart decisions that I'm proud of throughout -- I just wasn't as effective as I'd ultimately like to be.

As a blocker -- I got the MVP!  I don't actually feel I played all that well, in general, though.  I made some idiotic mistakes that cost us.  Mainly not being as alert or tough to move around as I'm capable of being.  We as a team let the other team define our pack for us too often.  But I did on a few occasions make the opposing jammer call it off by shutting her down or just plain flattening her.  I'm probably proudest of the time I was pivoting and my toe cover failed and was wrapping itself around my wheel as my jammer was really getting murdered.  I managed to take the star pass and force a call off regardless.

Finally, at halftime I was very proud to have zero penalties.  But by the end I had racked up three or four.  1-2 were pack definition penalties, where I felt I was complying.  So ultimately I want to watch some tape and see what really happened there and how we/I can improve it.  But no forearms!  Woot woot!

Tl; dr: Good game. Next one will be better.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Practice 7/27

1. Temporary captain for the upcoming Plan B game against York.

2. First apex jump in a scrimmage!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Camping Trip #2

It's been about six weeks since our first trip and now we're visiting Poe Paddy and Poe Valley state parks.  So far it's fantastic.  

Poe Paddy has no electricity,  but it's a fantastic place for fishing, tubing,  hiking,  etc.  The small people have been for the most part totally engaged and the other campers are very low key.  Five stars so far. 


We swim a lot.  Obviously the kids hate it.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Do the thing! Get the points? Be Awesome!

This weekend, I played in SCAR's Red, White & Bruise.  I was in red.  What you see here is me being more awesome than usual by thwarting a star pass.  Overall it was good. However, it was also 90 degrees and I felt like I would die.

So...back to the grind.  I'm hoping to make the roster for the top team for a game about a month from now. 

Stuff that was awesome:

1. Thwarting star passes.
2. Backwards play.
3. Assistant captaining.

Stuff that needs work:
1. Staying on my feet.
2. Ensuring my hits are hard and legal. 

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Friday, May 20, 2016

Birthdays and Backyards

Today is my mother in law's 6th birthday.   Also the opening of the back yard.  Viva La summer!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Sushi Burgers

Ground turkey
Rice seasoning
Soy sauce
1 egg

Mix,  cook and serve with wasabi on a bun.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Babies Day Out

These little guys went out for an hour the other day.  It's still way too early and too cold for them to be outside full time,  but they had a great time exploring the outdoors.

Experiment #1 -- Bacon/Spinach Egg Muffins

I don't always do measuring,  and this is one of those times.  Everything's approximate. 

7 eggs
3 cups spinach, chopped and wilted
3/4 cup cornmeal
1/2 cup shredded or chopped cheese
Tablespoon "more spicy" Tony Chachere's
Tablespoon garlic salt

Bake for 15-20 minutes at 350 degrees


Yay! CSA!

Right around this time every year,  our CSA kicks in and starts delivering gorgeous,  unbelievably delicious produce to our front door for minimal cost.   This Friday was our first delivery.

I've belonged to a few CSAs over the years, and they follow a variety of models -- because the original idea in most cases is to keep agriculture local and cut down on the use of fossil fuels to get food to people.  But my first CSA was located 10 miles from where I live and I had to drive to do pickups once a week -- how was that really a great use of fossil fuels?  Also, I was occasionally being overwhelmed with, like, 5 pounds of rutabaga at a time, and for weeks on end.   And I never knew what I was getting until I actually got it.  So...I did that one year and then I let it lapse.

Now I get deliveries once a week to my door, with an inventory and sometimes cooking tips the day before.  I get a wider variety and smaller volume, though sometimes I'm still a tad overwhelmed.  My CSA has taught me a lot about preservation and sharing, because I generally either give away the stuff I can't get to or don't want, or if I do want it but can't eat it now I put it up for the winter, when some good produce tastes a-maz-ing.  Also, we grow a small amount of our own produce -- generally kale and tomatoes and basil.  At certain times of the year we're covered in all of those.

Also, I do a lot of experimental cooking.  This time of the year, I like to clear the decks to make way for more produce and also make sure that all my spices and such are fresh.  Plus, I hate to admit it, but I didn't really learn how to cook the variety of produce that I now receive.  So I try new stuff, and sometimes it works.  Look for some more experiments here as we go forward into the season.

Monday, March 21, 2016


Bad: We lost!  I fouled out!

Good:Jamming went pretty well!  So did pivoting! And somebody deemed me a "sneaky motherfucker! "

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Practice 3/14

In preparation for the upcoming bout,  we worked in our lines,  where I mostly jammed and pivoted.  

1. Staying in and staying up and powering through. 
2. Being (mostly) legal. 

1. Still fighting some equipment issues.
2. I want to learn all the things!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Outside vs. Inside My Control

I'm now entering the second week of #krissykrash and her Krash Course, which is a Master Class devoted to improving on one's 27/5 time.  I actually have an "acceptable" 27/5 time -- I'm at almost 29 laps now, but since I have been between 8 and 29 since I returned to derby after my daughter was born (in 2015), and because I'm frustrated at not achieving some of the derby goals I set out for myself in that time I've decided to kick it up a notch and try something new to boost my performance.

Week One is now in the books, and I got through it, but not ideally.  It's funny how you can be really accomplished in one area and totally challenged in another, and off-skates workouts always remind me that derby is awesome work, but only for certain muscles.  This week the goal for the 27/5 is to work on intensity.  Another goal, just for me personally, is to let some of the stuff I don't control (torn shoulder, other people) go and pay closer attention to the stuff I do control.  That includes getting enough sleep, being hydrated, eating well, and making time to get in my many obligations and work toward my goals.

Here's my current weekly fitness setup:
  • 2-3 derby practices (generally, one full-length scrimmage, one skills practice and one wild card -- I attend fresh meat if there's no scrimmage/extra higher-level practice/game/big fitness event).
  • 3 27/5 Master Class sessions of about 30-45 minutes in the gym
  • Weights -- one session, generally core work
  • Walking dogs and babies daily
  • Daily burpee challenge -- # of burpees equals day in the month,  so today I'll do 7.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Practice 2/29

1. Leaned out people who wanted to kill me. 
2. Jammed successfully. 
3. Honed my skills on the outside. 

1. Played too high. 
2. Took too many penalties. 
3. Took too many stupid penalties.  

Here's Me at the gym