Sunday, May 15, 2016

Yay! CSA!

Right around this time every year,  our CSA kicks in and starts delivering gorgeous,  unbelievably delicious produce to our front door for minimal cost.   This Friday was our first delivery.

I've belonged to a few CSAs over the years, and they follow a variety of models -- because the original idea in most cases is to keep agriculture local and cut down on the use of fossil fuels to get food to people.  But my first CSA was located 10 miles from where I live and I had to drive to do pickups once a week -- how was that really a great use of fossil fuels?  Also, I was occasionally being overwhelmed with, like, 5 pounds of rutabaga at a time, and for weeks on end.   And I never knew what I was getting until I actually got it.  So...I did that one year and then I let it lapse.

Now I get deliveries once a week to my door, with an inventory and sometimes cooking tips the day before.  I get a wider variety and smaller volume, though sometimes I'm still a tad overwhelmed.  My CSA has taught me a lot about preservation and sharing, because I generally either give away the stuff I can't get to or don't want, or if I do want it but can't eat it now I put it up for the winter, when some good produce tastes a-maz-ing.  Also, we grow a small amount of our own produce -- generally kale and tomatoes and basil.  At certain times of the year we're covered in all of those.

Also, I do a lot of experimental cooking.  This time of the year, I like to clear the decks to make way for more produce and also make sure that all my spices and such are fresh.  Plus, I hate to admit it, but I didn't really learn how to cook the variety of produce that I now receive.  So I try new stuff, and sometimes it works.  Look for some more experiments here as we go forward into the season.

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