Tuesday, December 6, 2016

How Not to be a Dick in Derby

A by no means inexhaustive list...

1. Pay for your shit.  And by that I mean bring gas money if you carpool.  Share your expertise and money when you can. Donate your old equipment.  Charity begins at home, so make sure your needs are covered.  But also, don't make people regret helping you.  And realize that this thing called derby is based on a lot of investment by the community, formal and otherwise.  Be that investment.

2. Don't shit on those who've come before you.  None of this is really happening in a vacuum, and chances are that whatever you're currently doing is based on some really great stuff that happened before and made your way easier.  Give credit where it's due, even if credit is due for, say, that rule set or team management system that you don't use any more, but which nonetheless kept your league alive and solvent long enough for you to come along.

3. Derby is full of rankings and tryouts and cuts and so on.  No need to be a dick about it, or lord it over those you outrank, or resent those who outrank you. Life's too short. Move the fuck on.

4. What's happening today is not necessarily what's happening in general, and don't be quick to assume it is. By that I mean that you'll be a lot happier, and your teammates will be better, if you don't assume that nefarious intent underlies penalties, or whatever. Generally speaking, most people aren't bad actors. But if you start bitching about bad actors when someone makes a mistake, you're fucking it up for everyone. Because now you're affecting their mindset and the practice environment.

5. Have a growth mindset, for yourself and others, and think about how people learn.  Generally speaking, people try new things.  They fail at them.  Until they don't. So, don't assume your teammate's a shitty jammer, or pivot, or carver, or whatever, because at the moment she's not successful.  Maybe she's trying things with low rewards to get to behaviors that pay off.  And that's what you want, so help make it happen by recognizing and encouraging it.

6. Don't be that team member.  You know, the one not paying attention.  The one talking when the coach is talking.  The one bitching about every new drill.  Just don't. Barring dangerous behavior or what have you, just fucking do what you're asked to do.  (See this film clip.  Help us get through this scene.  Really.  But feel free to draw the line at hiding bodies.)

7. Treat people like they want to be treated, and do not condescend.  Are you that person always barking at everyone else to get lower, go faster, whatever?  Don't be. People get the derby they work for and can attain, and they don't really need you overriding their internal voice.

8. Everybody doesn't need to be your BFF.  You don't have to like people to skate with them.  But you do need a healthy, respectful relationship that allows you all to excel. Keep that in mind the next time someone personally irritates you.

9. But also, keep in mind who you are and what power you have.  Is someone body shaming, bullying, acting like they have a fucking mandate to haze people, or otherwise making life difficult for your teammates?  Don't fucking tolerate it.  Be the force for good.

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