Also indicated as an issue by the appraiser is the wallpaper in the staircase. Which is really unfortunate, but unfortunately just hastens a process that had to occur anyway. As I mentioned, the previous owner was in the midst of a renovation. He stripped off some really awful-looking wall coverings, but he also scored the wallpaper for removal.
I've already started stripping back the wallpaper with my handy dandy Wagner steamer,and what have I found? Lots of very cool unfortunately doomed wallpaper, none in large enough quantity to preserve. The stuff at left, which appears to show a variety of mills in a blue and black toile pattern, is the topmost. Oddly enough, the wallpaper isn't uniform from one side of the hall to the other -- the left side appears to have two layers, while the right has at least four. I'll try to get photos of some of the other layers as I continue to work.
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