Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Tonight's practice

29.5 in 5!

Worked on reffing.  Did poorly, but mainly in that responses were slow. Reffing Saturday at SVDV.

Jersey Shore Game

Wow!  Amazing! Had a great game!

1. PLayed powerful, played strong.
2. PLayed exceptionally well as a jammer.
3. Played well with my teammates as a blocker.

Bad: Took three penalties.

Next time:
1. Be as powerful as I wa sin this game, and cut down on the penalties.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Practice 7/5

1. Lots of things.

1. Cramping muscles
2. Got crabby

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Red, White & Bruise 2017

Yesterday, played Mount Nittany Mayhem vs. Pennsyltucky Punishers. We didn't win.  I did, however, play fairly well.

1. Jammed generally effectively.
2. Ran back a lot of jammers.
3. Was reliable.

1. Overcommitted on jukey jammers.
2. Turned when we already had a scull. 
3. Muscles cramping.

To work on:
1. Better communication.
2. Slower movement -- don't overcommit/hyperadjust.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Practice 7/3/2017

Felt good. For the first time in a long time, I felt powerful, capable and string. All the time. It was a good night.

Stuff that was great:
1. Legal hits and effective blocking.

Stuff that I could work on:
1. Agility, always.