Saturday, February 20, 2016

Off to See the Grandparents

This year winter has been more challenging than usual.   Both kids have had several childhood diseases,  and while we've been lucky that they didn't miss a lot of school,  it has been a strain on everyone.  The final straw was when one of Hal's babysitters quit because she thought he had a contagious disease.  Turns out he actually didn't, but he does have extremely sensitive skin.   So the recommended treatment is to cut swimming lessons and if possible give him some time in a warmer,  more humid environment.    So we've been traveling all day to reach his grandparents.   He's been fantastic,  actually,  other than some garden variety brattiness on the way to our first flight.  Here's hoping for some rest and relaxation for him and some respite for us.

Meet my body

There's a project called the Derby Body Project,  which is derby girls photographed in derby wearing more or less what I'm wearing above.   They look great.  They look real.  They look like women kicking fucking ass.  I'm proud of them.    However,  I've also been terrified for many years for anyone to see my actual body.    I'm very self conscious.   And one of the most frustrating things for me to deal with now that I'm nearly two years post-babies is my belly -- it's fat, but it's also stretched.   I'd like to change that. On the other hand,  I carried two babies with that belly and it's the center of a body that's getting stronger and more capable by the day.  So here's to my body.    I plan to work on embracing it. 

On Disappointment

I didn't make the team.   

I'm very disappointed.  In myself and in SCAR. 

I'm working through it.  

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Open Scrimmage This Morning

Derby church. Hallelujah!

Played pretty well, but with an empty tank some of the time.  And I took some stupid penalties, though several were for things I'm fairly certain I did not do.

Good:  Didn't cut, stayed low, powered through.  Kept fighting.  Won the jam a lot and got my jammer out a lot.
Bad:  Did a bunch of stuff the hard/stupid way.

To work on: Spinning is winning. Do more of it.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Scrimmage practice

Tonight was not formally a scrimmage practice,  but included about 30 minutes of scrimmage.

To be honest,  I didn't want to go.  I've felt bad all week,  and I felt sore and apprehensive tonight.   But I went anyway,  and it was quite good.

Zero penalties.   A devastating hit.  I tried spinning while jamming and had some success with it.  Basically,  I'm going to build on it,  but it was a pretty solid practice.  

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

I'm Overweight! Yeah!

I used to be obese,  but now my BMI is below 30. Yay, me!  Here's on to a healthy weight.

Monday, February 1, 2016


Tonight's practice was rough. I'm not gonna lie.  But sometimes a bad practice is better than no practice.  

I'm fighting a bladder infection.   However:

1. Got 28.5 in 5.
2. Had one very good jam and one so so jam and no horrible jams. 
3. Finally did a two minute plank!  It's taken me about a month to get there.